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Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Penjelasan Tentang Interjection (Kata Seru) Terlengkap

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iTapuih.com - Penjelasan Tentang Interjection (Kata Seru) Terlengkap. Interjection adalah suatu ucapan spontan yang dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan atau pikiran yang tiba-tiba muncul seperti rasa terkejut, rasa senang, sakit, heran dan sebagainya. Kata seru bahasa Inggris ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech. Interjection berupa ucapan pendek yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi kepada seseorang. Untuk lebih jelasnya kamu bisa melihat beberapa contoh dibawah ini.

Ada banyak penggunaan dari berbagai Interjections. Berikut ini adalah daftar Interjection (kata seru) umum yang mungkin sering anda dengar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

ah expressing pleasure Ah! That feels good.
expressing realization Ah! Now I understand.
expressing resignation Ah well! It can't be helped.
expressing surprise Ah! I've won!
absolutely yes expressing certainty Absolutely yes! I will take the job.
alas expressing grief or pity Alas, She's dead now.
bingo expressing acknowledge Bingo! That’s exactly what we were looking for.
bravo expressing approval Bravo! You can do it.
dear expressing pity Oh dear! Does it hurt?
expressing surprise Dear me! That's a surprise!
eh asking for repetition It's hot today. / Eh? / I said it's hot today.
expressing inquiry What do you think of that, eh?
expressing surprise Eh! Really?
inviting agreement Let's go, Eh?
er expressing hesitation Lima is the capital of...er...Peru.
God heaven expressing amazement God heaven!that's so beautiful.
hello, hullo expressing greeting Hello John. How are you today?
expressing surprise Hello! My car's gone!
hush expressing attention Hush! She got headache.
hump expressing displeasure Hmph! I could do that for half the amount he charged.
hurrah expressing joyless Hurrah! We win.
hey calling attention Hey! Look at that!
expressing surprise, joy etc Hey! What a good idea!
hi expressing greeting Hi! What's new?
hmm expressing hesitation, doubt or disagreement Hmm. I'm not so sure.
oh, o expressing surprise Oh! You're here!
expressing pain Oh! I've got a toothache.
expressing pleading Oh, Please say "yes"!
ouch expressing pain Ouch! That hurts!
Thank God expressing grateful Thank God!I can finish it smoothly.
uh expressing hesitation Uh...I don't know the answer to that.
uh-huh expressing agreement Shall we go? / Uh-huh.
um, umm expressing hesitation 85 divided by 5 is...um...17.
what a pity expressing joyless What a pity! She can't go to the party.
expressing joyless What a poor! You lose your wallet.
well expressing surprise Well I never!
introducing a remark Well, What did he say?
Pada tabel di atas telah saya berikan daftar kata seru lengkap dengan makna dan contoh kalimat. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kata seru dan definisi-nya.

Bah! That was a total waste of time.
Bah! Itu jelas buang-buang waktu.

Aww! Just look at that kitten.
Aww! Lihat anak kucing itu.

Oops! Sorry I didn’t see those skates there.
Ups! Maaf saya tidak melihat sepatu mereka di sana.

Wow! That’s really great news.
Wow! Itu berita yang sangat bagus.

Shoot! I forgot my brother’s birthday.
Shoot! Saya lupa ulang tahun kakak saya.

Demikian artikel saya tentang Penjelasan Tentang Interjection (Kata Seru) Terlengkap. Semoga artikel ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita.

Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/

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